Save a Life Watch for Bikes Campaign

Bike Cleveland, in partnership with several local bike shops, has launched the “Save a Life. Watch for Bikes.” campaign.
The campaign is a grassroots effort to raise the awareness of the growing number of people on bikes in our region, the campaign provides bright yellow yard signs for people to place in their yards reminding motorists to drive safely and watch for bikes.
If you want a yard sign you can pick them up at a number of local bike shops, including:
Solon Bicycle (6291 Som Center Rd., Solon OH) 1-440-349-5225
The Bicycle Hub (7430 Mentor Ave, Mentor OH) 1-440-942-3000
Ohio City Bicycle Co-op (1840 Columbus Rd., Cleveland, OH) 1-216-830-2667
Blazing Saddle Cycle (7427 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, OH) 1-216-218-1811
Joy Machines Bike Shop (1836 W. 25th Street, Cleveland, OH) 1-216-394-0230
Eddy’s Bike Shop – North Olmsted (25140 Lorain Rd. North Olmsted, OH) 1-440-779-1096
Eddy’s Bike Shop – Willoughby Hills (2830 Bishop Rd, Willoughby Hills, OH) 1-440-943-2453
Eddy’s Bike Shop – Montrose (3991 Medina Rd., Montrose, OH) 1-330-666-2453
Eddy’s Bike Shop – Stow (3707 Darrow Rd., Stow, OH) 1-330-688-5521
Century Cycles- Rocky River (19955 Detroit Rd., Rocky River, OH) 1-440-356-5705
Century Cycles- Peninsula (1621 Main St., Peninsula, OH) 1-330-657-2209
Century Cycles- Medina (1059 N. Court St., Medina, OH) 1-330-722-7119
Or you can stop by Bike Cleveland during normal business hours and grab one.
We simply ask that if you pick up a sign that you place it in your front yard this fall and again in the spring to maximize the campaigns effectiveness. When you put your sign in your yard take a picture of it (be creative if you want) and post it on Faceboook using the hashtags #WatchForBikesCLE and #RideTogetherCLE.
This campaign was started as a response to the number of car -vs- bicycle crashes that took place the beginning of this summer.