Detroit bike lanes will happen this summer, but when?

On September 24, 2012, the City of Cleveland announced that bike lanes would be striped on Detroit Avenue from W. 25th to Lake Avenue—the longest stretch of bike lanes to be installed in Cleveland since the striping of the Euclid Corridor Bike Lanes. The timeline presented at the public meeting was that the bike lanes would be constructed in the fall of 2012, or if the weather broke too soon, in the spring of 2013.
Prior to the filming of Captain America, Bike Cleveland was informed by the City of Cleveland Department of Streets that the bike lanes would not be striped until after filming was completed, since Detroit Avenue was the main thoroughfare during the closing of the West Shoreway.
Despite the reopening of the West Shoreway on June 15th, construction has not begun. In response to our inquiries, the City has assured us that funding for the construction of the Detroit bike lanes is secured and that the project is being bid out to local contractors. Despite numerous requests, the closest we have gotten to an answer on a date is that the construction of the bike lanes will happen this summer.
You can help speed up the installation of the Detroit Avenue Bike Lanes by calling the Mayors Action Center at 216-664-2900 or by filling out this form. The more requests to have the bike lanes installed ASAP to the Mayors Action Center, the higher priority the bike lanes will become.