Support Cleveland Metroparks – Yes on Issue 5

Bike Cleveland fully supports the Cleveland Metroparks levy, up for approval on your ballot this November. “Issue 5” is a replacement levy that will be critical for the Metroparks to continue their valuable work in Greater Cleveland.
Cleveland Metroparks is an important partner to Bike Cleveland and has been paramount to improving safe access to biking and walking in Cuyahoga County for both recreation and transportation. In recent years, we have seen important investments like the Red Line Greenway, Whiskey Island connector and bridge, the Towpath Trail, and new connections of the Valley Parkway, just to name a few. These projects have quickly become icons of our local built environment, and it took the leadership and vision of the Cleveland Metroparks to bring it to reality. These projects and some that are underway, including new trail connections and the east side lakefront CHEERS improvements, wouldn’t be possible without funding to support the parks staff and operations.
In addition, the Cleveland Metroparks play a crucial role in bringing business and talented people into the region by providing world class recreation. The role of the park system as an economic resource, providing a return on investment for the taxpayers, makes this a small investment with a much larger impact on our region.
Voting YES on Issue 5 ensures that your tax dollars are spent by a fiscally responsible, debt-free organization on maintaining and building high quality parks & trails in our community. You can learn more about Issue 5 here.