3-foot passing law reintroduced as HB154

Ohio House Representatives Henne and Sheehy have introduced HB154 which reintroduces the 3′ passing law and the malfunctioning signal laws for cyclists to the state legislature. Several other representatives have signed on as co-sponsors. That means now if the perfect time for you to call your state representative and tell them that you want them to support HB 154!
**UPDATE** The bill has been referred to the Armed Services, Veterans Affairs, and Public Safety. Please contact these committee members and voice your support for this common sense legislation that will make our roads much safer for bicycles and motorists alike.
Visit OhioHouse.gov to find your representatives contact info.
Ohio House Bill 154 will help Ohio cyclists with two very simple changes in the Ohio Revised Code:
1. The Ohio Revised Code in Section 4511.27 already requires that motorists pass bicyclists leaving a safe passing distance. House Bill 154 sets the safe passing distance as “not less than three feet.” 24 states already have the “at least three feet” passing requirement. The 3-foot rule is endorsed by the American Automobile Association and the League of American Bicyclists, the largest national organizations representing these two transportation modes.
2. The Ohio Revised Code in Section 4511.132, already lists situations in which vehicles may proceed through an intersection controlled by a non-functioning traffic signal after stopping and yielding right-of-way. HB 154 adds another situation where “Failure of a vehicle detector to detect the vehicle” results in the light remaining red. This is a situation commonly faced by cyclists, as the bicycle is typically not detected by metal detectors buried in pavement, and the traffic light is not “tripped.”
See HB 154 at https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/legislation-summary?id=GA131-HB-154