Ward 14 – Brian Cummins Responses

Bike Cleveland Cleveland City Council Candidate Questionnaire
Candidate Name: Brian Cummins
Council Ward 14 Candidate
Q. What roles do you think city council can play in making cities safe, accessible and friendly for biking?
A. To provide strong oversight of the City Administration in funding and implementing the Complete and Green Streets ordinance passed in 2011. City Council members can ensure that any street and infrastructure projects being carried out in the neighborhoods they represent comply with the law. In addition, Council members can play lead advocate roles in championing related projects, such as trail and greenway projects that are initiated by organizations such as Ohio Canal Corridor, Friends of Big Creek, local community development corporations and other associated groups.
Q. Funding for bikeways and other bicycle improvements and programs in Cleveland is currently derived from a mix of local, regional, and federal grants. Do you support an increase in dedicated funds in the City of Cleveland capital budget to install a safe, connected network of bike facilities?
A. Yes
Q. Do you have ideas for securing other funding for biking projects in Cleveland?
A. Continue to pursue funding through local foundations, Enterprise Community Partners, leveraging funding from City and Councilmatic capital budget, Community Development Block Grant Funds, Clean Ohio Funds and other such sources.
Q. In January 2012 the City of Cleveland’s Complete and Green Streets Ordinance went into effect. The ordinance requires implementation of sustainable policies and guidelines in all construction projects within the public right of way. What will you do to ensure that the city incorporates Complete and Green Streets policies and practices into road projects within your ward? How will you measure success?
A. Primarily by keeping informed regarding infrastructure capital improvement and maintenance projects taking place or scheduled for my Ward. Keeping up to date on the City’s Performance Measurement reports for Multi-Modal Transportation and Green Infrastructure in Public Right-of-Way and by being involved and informed with local advocate groups.
Q. In what ways can enhanced bicycling facilities and opportunities benefit your ward and the city as a whole? Are there any specific projects that you’d like to see accomplished?
A. We are currently working to ensure that City Street and Capital projects on W. 41st, W 44th and W 65th as well as Denison Avenue are designed and carried out to best accommodate bicyclists. I have also been a 12-year advocate for trail connections to the tow-path trail. Projects related to that initiative include taking the lead on the Treadway Creek neighborhood trail connector and now
supporting the efforts of the Friends of Big Creek for trail initiatives in the Lower Big Creek as well as the The Train Avenue Greenway Plan.
Q. Cities across the United States are installing protected bicycle lanes (a.k.a. cycletracks) to create a stress-free biking environment and to encourage “interested but concerned” people to ride a bike. Do you support the installation of bike infrastructure like buffered bike lanes, protected bike lanes, and bike boxes on Cleveland streets? YES/NO A. Yes Q. Are you in favor of Bike Boxes (i.e. former shipping containers converted to bike parking) being placed in a parking lane on city streets?
A. Yes, we are working to put in place a bike box at the Family Ministry Center on Fulton Road and are looking for locations on Clark Avenue.
Q. In just about every neighborhood throughout the city, one of the top concerns is drivers driving too fast, aggressively, and not safely sharing the road with people on bikes. What ideas do you have to calm traffic and make our neighborhoods safer and more comfortable in which to ride a bike? Feel free to talk about particular problem spots in your ward.
A. We continue to explore ways to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Plans completed under the TLCI program through NOACA call for crossing bump-outs and other devices or striping that can improve safety. I am supporting the Tremont West Development Corp and Stockyard, Clark Fulton and Brooklyn Centre Community Development Organization’s joint applications for a TLCI study of Clark Avenue as well as working more on the safe-route-to-schools initiative. I’ve also supported the Family Ministry Center’s project of promoting walking routes through the neighborhood of Clark Fulton to encourage healthy living and exploring the neighborhood.
Q. According to the 2012 Census almost 28% of Clevelanders do not have access to a car, how would you go about re-examining road projects to take into account the transportation needs of all city residents, improve safety, and enhance the livability of Cleveland neighborhoods?
A. Continue to work closely with agencies such as GCRTA, Department of Aging, ODOT, All Aboard Ohio and other alternative transportation advocate groups. Continue to assist in funding bike clinics with Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, Stockyard Neighborhood Bike-A-Thon as well as working with the Public Square Group (skateboard advocates).
Q. What do you think is the number one risk to people on bikes both in your ward and the city as a whole? What have you done/will you do as an elected official to remedy it?
A. Primary and secondary arterial streets and street crossings and intersections pose the most danger to bicyclists. I’ll continue to support groups, organizations and projects that advocate for bike and pedestrian safety and education, and advocate on behalf of these groups and issues.
See responses from all candidates at BikeCleveland.org/I-bike-I-vote