2018 Annual Meeting Recap

Since only about a quarter of our members made it to our annual meeting and recap, let’s take a minute and review things here for those that missed it. First off, we would like to thank our event sponsors – Ohio Desk, LaneSpotter, and Platform Beer Co for their support this year! It means a lot to be able to provide a great experience for our membership – and these folks make it a whole lot easier for that to happen.
We chose The Nash on 80th as a home base again this year, as it has an unbeatable combination of ample space, proximity to Morgana Run Trail, and the unique atmosphere of a classic venue. Plus – bowling in the basement! As always, we setup indoor bike parking for guests rad enough to arrive by bike. The Ohio City Bike Co-Op was on site with their custom recycled bike racks inside the Nash’s ultra-pink side room.
This side room also held our mini vendor-expo, with display tables from local bike shops, partners, and organizations of all types. These folks are all Bike Cleveland supporters at different levels, so we love having them here to share their upcoming events, promotions, and involvement with our mission.
Our main event room was ready and waiting for guests and featured incredible food from Proper Pig Smokehouse with veggie choices from Cleveland Vegan. Members chowed down on a savory meal, washed it down with multiple choices of brewed goodness from Platform, and networked around the hall with other like-minded riders. The main hall also featured the 4′ x 8′ sign that used to reside above the car lane on Detriot-Superior Bridge, the lane that is now a protected bicycle-only lane across the peak of the bridge. Attendees were encouraged to autograph the sign with silver paint pens to commemorate the achievement.
The main event of the evening was our presentation, which covered last year’s accomplishments, and a look forward into 2018. It also featured sections by our local chapters, one by City of Cleveland representatives, and we took time to recognize our standout volunteers for the year. The latter half of the presentation gave each staff member a chance to give a peek into the next few months of what is in store for outreach, education, new programs, and on-the-pavement improvements around town and beyond. If you would like to view the presentation, it follows this photo gallery.
(Excuse the odd fonting and other maladies of our presentation – Scribd did not like all of our creativity and chose to make a mess of things when uploading. All of the info is still there though!)
And to cap it all off – – somehow, someway – – during the event takedown Jim Sheehan from the OCBC manages to put 3 giant bike racks on the back of a Prius for the ride home!
For those of you that made it – we hope you had a great evening. For those that missed it, we really hope to see you next year. And to all of our members – a hearty THANK YOU for supporting safe streets in Cleveland!