Cleveland Beats Pittsburgh: Brings Home the Rust Cup

Cleveland Beats Pittsburgh in the Rust Belt battle of the Bikes.
Over 1,600 Cleveland area cyclists won the hard fought, five month long Rust Belt Battle of the Bikes. A local competition associated with the larger National Bike Challenge offered by the League of American Bicyclists.
The competition is based on a points system that rewards riders of all skill levels for getting on their bike daily and for the number of miles pedaled. Twenty bonus points were awarded for each day a rider used their bicycle plus a point for every mile they rode.
Last year Pittsburgh took possession of the Rust Cup because their riders had earned more bonus points for riding their bikes more often. This year Cleveland turned the tide and took back the Rust Cup with a winning point spread of 275.300 over Pittsburgh.
Bike Cleveland, the area’s bicycle advocacy organization, announced the return of the Rust Cup trophy at an event held at the Flat Iron Cafe last Saturday evening. The event was also a celebration for Team Mind Brain Social Club, a local team made up of all Cleveland area riders, who placed #1 Nationally in the National Bike Challenge.
Every cyclist who participated in the challenge and logged their miles played a big part in bring the Rust Cup home to Cleveland. From new riders who just returned to biking, the riders who commute by bike, to the experienced road cyclists, this is their win.
You can bet Pittsburgh will be back next year with even more determination to beat Cleveland. But Cleveland will be ready to battle again!
Final Talley
20th in the nation
Miles 710,801.998
Points 1,472,702.042
Riders 1,609
Pittsburgh’s final totals:
14th in the nation
miles 526,217
points 1,197,401,826
riders 1,218
CLE + 275,300 points
+391 riders
+184,584 miles