Read About Riding!

“You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!”
― Dr. Seuss
In honor of Read Across America Day & the birthday or Dr. Seuss, we offer you this list of books to fuel your next cycling adventure, or increase your knowledge of all things 2 wheeled!
A Path Through Ohio: A Bicycle Journal > Local author & veteran cyclist Mark Looney chronicles his exciting and yet less intimidating ride from shore to shore of the Ohio To Erie Trail.
Pedaling on the North Coast: Biking the Streets of Greater Cleveland > Locals Murray Fishel & Stan Purdum put together this handy book with eighteen rides offering a diverse selection to discover Cleveland and the surrounding area.
Everyday Bicycling: How to Ride a Bike for Transportation > Elly Blue’s inspirational book that plants the seeds of a green revolutionary movement.
Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution > Janette Sadik-Khan managed the seemingly impossible and transformed the streets of one of the world’s greatest, toughest cities into dynamic spaces safe for pedestrians and bikers.
Zinn & the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance > This smartly organized and clearly illustrated guide—now in two colors for easier reference—can make a bike mechanic out of anyone.
Bicycle: The History > In Bicycle: The History (named by Outside magazine as the #1 book on bicycles), David Herlihy recounts the saga of this far-reaching invention and the passions it aroused.
Biking in Cleveland > Hey – we snuck this one in there 🙂 It’s our little publication that you can grab at Bike Cleveland events, or if you stop by our offices!