Right of Way – a discussion about pedestrian safety

Join Clevelanders for Public Transit and Bike Cleveland for a presentation and Q&A with Cleveland’s own Angie Schmitt about her recently released book Right of Way: Race, Class and the Silent Epidemic of Pedestrian Deaths in America. Facebook Event Link
Register via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtd-qhqTsjEtyL_HCxUc3TcuJpAlwD00vp
In Right of Way Angie Schmitt shows us that traffic deaths are not unavoidable “accidents.” They are predictable, occuring in stark geographic patterns that tell a story about systemic inequality. Disproportionately, the victims are immigrants, the poor, and people of color. Schmitt challenges us to imagine and demand safer more-equitable cities, where no one is expendable and shows us the way forward.
Angie Schmitt is a nationally known writer and planner whose work focuses on sustainable transportation. In addition to authoring Right of Way, Angie is the founder of 3MPH Planning, a small planning consultancy that focuses on pedestrian safety. She lives in Detroit Shoreway with her husband and two children.